BBM for All:The Android and iOS effect

We all know it's here,nearly every android and iOS smartphone user has got their pins. This seems to go good for Blackberry after all.

An IM app exclusive to Blackberry for all these years has now taken a step to go Cross-Platform to reach even
more people. So we at Android Hub have decided to take a look at it's first week of release

The Start

I was told by my colleague that BBM has finally launched after the delay of it's initially planned release. Unfortunately my phone didn't support it due to being really old. So I asked around for the experience my acquaintances had with it, the first thing they said that they were greeted with this screen

Blackberry created a waiting line to reduce load on their servers, a really strategic move in my opinion.The waiting line was dropped in a few days

At time of writing, there are about 20 Million users of BBM for the two OSes

The Annoying Pins

Just after the launch of BBM, people were greeted with BBM pins on all their social media, which soon became annoying.
People not only posted their pins as texts on walls and in tweets, they they took advantage of the QR codes on Instagram.

What's missing

Being an initial release, BBM still has a few features missing compared to the BBOS version. Voice and video chat are some examples, which the company said would be coming in "a few months".
Another thing that's missing is Windows Phone support. There is a group dedicated to this OS and it would be good if a version for them is released as well.

Our Take

Go ahead! Give it a try. It is a really good IM client which can compete easily with the likes of WhatsApp. This could help people seeking for alternatives to the regular list of IMs. People wanting to keep their numbers private should really have a go,as it is mainly relies on the PIN provided. Just don't irritate people on social media with your PINs.
